Darkmere by Helen Maslin
Title : Darkmere Author : Helen Maslin Series : Standalone Genre : Young Adult, ghost, thriller, mystery Publisher : Chicken House Published : 6th of August 2015 Synopsis A castle. A curse. A dangerous summer. Leo has invited Kate and a few friends to spend the summer at his inheritance, Darkmere Castle: as wild and remote as it is beautiful. Kate thinks it will be the perfect place for her and Leo to get together - but instead, she's drawn into the dark story of a young nineteenth-century bride who haunts the tunnels and towers of the house. And whose curse now hangs over them all. Review In a sudden bout of desire for a ghost YA story I searched high and low for something of this calibre until it was recommended to me by a good friend. I like to think that I'm a (fairly) mature adult who isn't too easily scared, and given that my job does expose me to some "interesting" situations that some might find gross and would stomac...