Unconventional by Maggie Harcourt

Title: Unconventional

Author: Maggie Harcourt

Series: Standalone

Genre: Young Adult, romance, contemporary, books, conventions

Publisher: Usborne Publishing Ltd

Published: 1st of February 2017

SynopsisLexi Angelo has grown up helping her dad with his events business. She likes to stay behind the scenes, planning and organizing...until author Aidan Green - messy haired and annoyingly arrogant - arrives unannounced at the first event of the year. Then Lexi's life is thrown into disarray.

In a flurry of late-night conversations, mixed messages and butterflies, Lexi discovers that some things can't be planned. Things like falling in love...


I thought long and hard about which book to review first and decided that nothing could be more fitting than a review about a book that is quintessentially what this blog is all about: a deep love for books, how they bring people together in a variety of ways and let us be who we want to be without being judged.

This book was recommended to me by my very good friend Read and Repeat, and was polished off in less than a week.
Unconventional is a delightfully light and easy read. The characters were funny and so incredibly easy to fall in love with, but to be honest the best part of the book was the world it was created around and in. Reading about conventions, how they run, the fun that people have creating them and going to them was wonderful and reminded me so much of my own amazing experiences. I knew conventions were hard work and incredibly stressful for those involved organising it but Unconventional has truly given me new found respect for what people do and the lengths they go to to make it a great experience for us all. But to then add to this wonderful backdrop an unfolding love story and tale of self-discovery? Well what else could anyone ask for?! Except for also the incredibly funny and witty banter between the characters!
I do wish it could have been longer and that I could have spent more time with Lexi and Aidan but equally I this book is lovely, light, simple and yet endearing because it isn't spread out over several books. It's beauty and my love for it stems from it's simplicity. Sometimes after a painful and wonderful trilogy you just need something easy to fall in love with and Maggie Court delivered this and more.

Unconventional is a delightfully bookish and sweet read and I look forward to more of Maggie's work!

Keep an eye out at your next convention, you never know what you might get to see or who you might get to meet ;)  
